{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\cocoartf1671\cocoasubrtf600 {\fonttbl\f0\fswiss\fcharset0 Helvetica;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;} {\*\expandedcolortbl;;} \margl1440\margr1440\vieww20640\viewh17120\viewkind0 \pard\tx566\tx1133\tx1700\tx2267\tx2834\tx3401\tx3968\tx4535\tx5102\tx5669\tx6236\tx6803\pardirnatural\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs24 \cf0 Today's upload and clarification is dedicated to trying to clarify the two recordings from 1985 for everyone as I don't think it is clear and I've tried to sort it out. There are basically 2 recordings floating around. One is often titled XXX XX 1985 Copper Penny Restaurant and the info indicates it is a tape circulated by Davis Manning. The second is a recording on YouTube with a date of November 9 1985 also at the Copper Penny Restaurant. A few days ago I received a pristine soundboard/audio mix of a Copper Penny Restaurant show which is the same as the Nov 9 1985 YouTube recording but this recording has a date of February 27 1985. This recording's notes (and Gord mentions it in the recording) indicate that the show was being recorded in order to submit to a radio station (Q107 Homegrown Contest for indie bands). What I do not know is whether the date of the show is Feb 27 or Nov 9 1985. However, the XXX XX 1985 tape that was circulated by Davis Manning (Hip's Sax player at the time) was definitely produced after this show as some of the content on the tape is from this recording. I'm almost 100% certain that this XXX XX 1985 file is a mix of live songs that was put together to give out or provide to fans and/or clubs, as it contains some of the songs from the Nov9/Feb27 proper show. When comparing the two files it is clear that the following songs are from the proper show (I Love My Baby (Here t'is), Evelyn, Baby Blueblood, Psychedelic Ramblings of Rich Kids, Heart Attack Love, Big City, All American Surf Club (edited), Reformed Baptist Blues (Edit), and Treat Her Right). The songs from the XXX file that are not on the Feb/Nov show are Come Back Baby, These Arms Of Mine, Sweet Jane (which might be the missing song 5 from the Feb/Nov file), Have Mercy and If She's Seventeen. I'm pretty sure because of this that the XXX file is a mix of content from several shows. Further proof is that on the Feb/Nov version of All Canadian Surf Club Gord mentions something about the USA that is clearly edited out of the XXX version. Also on the Feb/Nov version of Reformed Baptist Blues after Gord inroduces the song he asks "my parents out there?" which is also edited out of the XXX version though they are clearly from the same show. So While I'm not sure of the actual date of the original live show (either Feb 27 or Nov 9) I'm going to post it on the page as Feb 27 as the other file was clearly after the date of this show. If anyone can definitively confirm one or the other please let me know and I'll update if required. The other post from 1985 at this point is the XXX XX 1985 file which is the compilation of songs - clearly from more than one show, one of which is the other file noted. Hopefully that clears up these files a bit. I will leave the link to the YouTube file which I posted previously with the date November 9 1985 for context/comparison. Also note the sound on the February 27 mp3s is Way better than the XXX XX 1985 file. I'll add this info into a Note for each file as well. \ \ Darrin November 7 2024}