=========================================================== The Tragically Hip - 1996.05.29 - 9:30 Club, Washington, DC =========================================================== Source: Internet Stream -> Audacity (WAV) -> Edit - No EQ or processing used. - Professional quality (promo) versions of Gift Shop and Flamenco were substituted in this version. Lossless transfer from Promo CD. - Minor amplification adjustments were made to enhance the dynamics of the capture. - Dropouts and other stream sourced errors removed. - Broadcast Date: 2020.10.18 Show Notes: Here's a popular Hip show that most live collectors will already have in their arsenal. This version was live streamed via The Hip's channel as a 'Mystery Recording'. The source being a DAT tape owned by the band. There are some key things that set this recording apart from the others. Besides a really good, balanced sound, this version also has an extra track, The Apartment Song, that wasn't aired on the previously circulated versions. The fact that it's a pre-FM also means that it's uncensored. So, we finally get to hear this show without the annoying static blips they used to censor him before. The downside is that the tape is still missing the 3 songs: Butts Wigglin', Nautical Disaster, and Daredevil. More on this in the Sound Notes below. Some of the highlights include the new song jams they did in NOIS and At The Hundredth Meridian. As Johnny points out in the show intro, those jams would soon show up as songs on Phantom Power. Thanks to The Hip for airing this classic show for us, it's so great hearing it like this. Mystery debunked ;) Enjoy the show! - Mike'n'Cheese Tracklist: 01 Gift Shop (promo) 02 Springtime in Vienna 03 Grace, Too 04 Flamenco (promo) 05 At the Hundredth Meridian 06 Don't Wake Daddy 07 Fully Completely 08 Ahead by a Century 09 700 Ft Ceiling 10 Fire in the Hole 11 Sherpa 12 New Orleans is Sinking 13 Put It Off 14 We'll Go Too 15 The Apartment Song 16 Little Bones Sound Notes: A few things to observe about this tape and how the band may have gotten it. The fact that the 3 (4 in previous versions) songs were edited out of the tape seems to suggest that they got it off the radio station that recorded it. The station could have given them the edited version they were going to air, without the censoring added. The Apartment Song may have been a last-minute cut before broadcast? I don't think The Hip would edit out songs on their own personal tapes. What would be the purpose of that? As for the mis-labeling of the tape... could it be the broadcast date? A picture of said tape (sleeve) is a part of the art in this package. The first few songs have clearly been mislabeled. Strange for sure. The placement of the missing tracks still remains a bit of a mystery. An audience tape exists of the 3 cut tracks which, when listened to, reveals that Daredevil leads into Flamenco. This contradicts the previously documented placement of the missing songs that suggested they should be between ABAC and Butts Wigglin'. A complete audience tape would help to confirm this new order to the setlist. Mixing in the promo version of Flamenco had some points worth noting. There are two promo versions of Flamenco that we've heard, both have a long, slow fade-in to help mask the guitar cable problems one of the guys was having. The promo creators then used some fake crowd noise during the fade-in to try and further disguise this sound issue. To make matters worse, they didn't even use the real crowd from the show! So, the streaming and promo versions were blended together after the fake crowd ends on the promo. Some of the more abrasive guitar cable pops were also toned down. This creates a complete and great sounding version of this beautiful song.