Recording Device: Sony MD-Recorder (MZ-R37) MICS Used: Sound Professionals Binaural mics (SP-BMC-1) ->Sound Professionals Bass Roll off filter/battery box (SP-SPSB-2) Source: MD->CD->WAV->FLAC Recorded By: Steve Stroud (dreyfuss/silentbob) ****************************************************************************** Details: Recorded from against the stage on the right side, my batteries died during NOIS and I didn't have spares on me (I know very dumb, you'd think after all these years I'd be getting smarter) so I turned them around and managed to get the rest of NOIS and a little more but missed most of Escape and all of Blow. Took a couple rolls of film, if you some pics email me: The Rock Club - Pittsburgh, PA 01 - Scar 02 - Fully 03 - Poets 04 - Gus 05 - ABAC 06 - Gift Shop 07 - Summer 08 - Bobcaygeon 09 - Nautical 10 - Makeshift 11 - Greasy Jungle 12 - Nashville 13 - 100th Meridian 14 - Josephine 15 - Music @ Work 16 - NOIS (cut in middle due to batteries) Encore 17 - Heaven 18 - Escape (batteries die for good) 19 - Blow (missing because of no batteries)